We believe that …
- A high quality education is fundamental to create a life with purpose, meaning, and happiness.
- Educated people of good character are essential to democracy.
- Public education is a responsibility shared by students, parents, school personnel, and community members.
- Trust and respect are prerequisites for sustaining and improving safe and successful schools.
- Critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and innovation are essential.
- All people should be treated with dignity and respect.
We are committed to…
- Clear communication and transparent processes.
- Rigorous, comprehensive, and innovative programs.
- Meeting the needs of all students.
- Collaboration, professional development, and ethical practice.
- Continuous improvement through systematically assessing our actions and outcomes.
- Using all resources to the greatest advantage of all students.
So that every Avon Public School student is consistently challenged and empowered to...
- Communicate effectively and work collaboratively.
- Think critically and creatively to solve challenging problems and advance their own academic and personal goals.
- Be self-directed, self-regulated, and resilient as they live, learn, earn, and navigate their own pathway to success.
Goals & Strategic Actions
Focus Area 1: Student Learning
We will create multiple student learning pathways to challenge students to think critically and creatively, persist in solving challenging problems, work collaboratively, and communicate effectively.
- Goal 1: We will build our instructional capacity to consistently support and challenge all students with rigorous, meaningful work and provide focused feedback to support continuous growth.
- Goal 2: We will collaboratively develop the district's capacity to collect, analyze, and interpret data/evidence at each level of the organization to inform and advance teaching and learning.
Focus Area 2: Personal Growth & Relationships
We will foster a safe learning community that empowers students to be self-directed, self-regulated, and resilient as they strive to advance their own personal and academic goals.
- Goal 1: We will commit to promote and embrace equity, diversity, and inclusion to build relational capacity, develop student leadership skills, and support social emotional learning.
- Goal 2: We will provide opportunities for students to acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Focus Area 3: Communication & Partnerships
We will continue to build internal and external partnerships in service to the district's mission and beliefs for student learning through clear communication and transparent processes.
- Goal 1: We will streamline district and school communication systems to provide a user-friendly experience for all staff, students, families, and community members to ensure they have the necessary information to be actively involved in supporting student learning.
- Goal 2: We will establish informal and formal partnerships with post-secondary institutions, local businesses, and community organizations to increase learning options for students.
Focus Area 4: Systems
We will maximize efficiencies and optimize resources through the ongoing creation, refinement, and alignment of processes, procedures, and systems.
- Goal 1: We will develop a long-range talent management and professional learning strategy that identifies and plans for the acquisition, support, and retention of the human resources required to implement this Blueprint for Excellence.
- Goal 2: We will consistently review and adjust district policies, processes, procedures, and the deployment of district resources to ensure that they support the attainment of this Blueprint for Excellence.
Click here to download a copy of the Blueprint for Excellence.