Please contact the office in the appropriate building with any questions:
Rosemary Neamtz - Avon High School - Phone: 860-404-4740; Fax: 860-404-4743
Michele Ouellette - Avon Middle School - Phone: 860-404-4770; Fax: 860-404-4773
Lucia Loveless - Thompson Brook School - Phone: 860-404-4870; Fax: 860-404-4873
Lori Noble - Roaring Brook School - Phone 860-404-4810; Fax: 860-404-4813
Brandi Wilcox - Pine Grove School - Phone 860-404-4790; Fax: 860-404-4793
Please note that building-use requests must be submitted 10 days in advance of any event. Only pages 1-3 need to be completed in full and submitted to the appropriate school secretary.
Saturday and Sunday events will be billed the overtime rates for custodians
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the above-listed policies governing use of Avon Public Schools building, grounds, and equipment.